
This is a Security Checklist on security your Computer and/or Device for the Campus network.

Grad Students and Faculty should do this, at least, once a quarter to avoid problems in the future, such as needing to scramble to get a computer up to date or needing to replace something at the last minute with little or no notice.


All Accounts have a strong password.

As defined in this link, What is a 'strong' password?, all accounts, regardless of what it is, should have a strong password.

Delete or repassword old accounts every 3 months.

If the user is no longer using the system or device, delete their access.

If you wish to keep the account due to archival date, change the password or archive their data off the machine.

In either case, quarterly cleanup of accounts should be done on a shared system.

Disable services you are not using

Disable services that are sometimes enabled on a computer.

Services like:

These are often left 'enabled' for convenience, but are not designed for a Public Internet Network, which is what the Campus Network is.

These services should be disabled on your machine as they serve no purpose other than to make you computer or device more vulnerable.

Enable and Configure the Firewall on the device

Any device put on the campus network should have a Firewall and configured to allow what you want to allow with regards to services on your device.

We recommend limiting inbound connections only from the Campus Network ( or to and/or the Campus Wireless ( or to

You can access the system off campus by using the Campus VPN.

Refer to:

You can also check what ports the system is leaving open by using nmap (https://nmap.org/) to see what ports 

Make sure your system is up to date.

Make sure all devices have the latest security software or firmware updates.

This check should be done at least every quarter, if not monthly basis.

The only exception is Mac OSX updates and Windows 10 Creator's Updates, these should be on hold for at least a month or two upon release, but you should be able to do normal updates on the current OS.

Linux OS upgrades like Ubuntu (the non-LTS version) and Fedora should be done 'as soon as possible', as their support model for the OS version is only 2 years.

Document Everything.

You should document somewhere what is related to the machine.

Document the following:

While this may seem to be a hassle, this is the best way to make sure what has happened to the machine that was intentional by the owner of the machine/device versus a hacker who has compromised it.

Further reference material

More information is provided on the UC Santa Barbara IT Site

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