2024-05-28: Cyber Smart Travel Tips (On Behalf of Jackson Muhirwe, CISSP, Ph.D, Chief Information Security Officer and Roger Padilla Jr., CISSP, Unit Information Security Lead, ITS)
May 28, 2024
TO: UC Santa Barbara Campus Community
FR: Jackson Muhirwe, CISSP, Ph.D, Chief Information Security Officer
Roger Padilla Jr., CISSP, Unit Information Security Lead, ITS
RE: Cyber Smart Travel Tips
Traveling today is so much easier with technology. Whether it’s to the coffee shop around the corner or a café in Paris, you can stay productive, entertained, and in touch. For many of us, having a cell phone or other electronic device is an integral part of daily life. Unfortunately, traveling with devices can mean increased cyber risks for keeping your personal and University information private, as well as the potential for device theft.
Here are some important reminders to consider when you’re using technology on the go:
Always keep your devices with you. Carry them on the plane, train, or bus, and keep them nearby or within your sight. Do not put devices in your checked baggage. Avoid putting devices underneath the seat or in the front pocket of your seat. Devices can easily become lost, stolen, or tampered with, especially if you step away or fall asleep.
Be careful when using public wireless networks or Wi-Fi hotspots. They’re not secure, so anyone could potentially see what you’re doing on your computer or mobile device while you’re connected.
Use a VPN (virtual private network) when you’re traveling to make sure your network connection is secure (encrypted). You can check with your department’s IT support to see if one is available to you through the University.
Turn off unneeded or unused mobile services. It is important to turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth services when they are not in use during travel.
Important reminders to stay secure while you’re on vacation:
Do not plug in untrusted accessories. Do not connect untrusted accessories or devices to your computer or mobile device. This includes USB drives, chargers, cords, external hard drives, and any other devices or accessories from questionable or unknown sources, as they can be infected with malware intended to steal your information.
Never log into personal accounts when using public computers. They may be loaded with keyloggers and malware.
Physically protect yourself, your devices, and any identification documents. If you’re traveling in a location where your devices may not be safe in your hotel room, keep them with you at all times.
Additional Resources:
Traveling with Electronic Devices (UC Recommendations)
UC Ethics, Compliance and Audit Services (ECAS) International Travel Compliance
Updated UC guidance in ECAS' April 2018 Compliance Alert newsletter (see "International Compliance" on page 3)
FBI brochure: Safety and Security for the Business Professional Traveling Abroad (includes but is not limited to cybersecurity)