2024-05-22: UCSB Edison STEM Research Scholarship Opportunities! (On Behalf of Angelica Llamas, College Prep Program Assistant, UCSB Office of Education Partnerships)

2024-05-22: UCSB Edison STEM Research Scholarship Opportunities! (On Behalf of Angelica Llamas, College Prep Program Assistant, UCSB Office of Education Partnerships)


May 21, 2024

TO:   Campus Community

FR:   Angelica Llamas, College Prep Program Assistant

         UCSB Office of Education Partnerships

RE:   UCSB Edison STEM Research Scholarship Opportunities!


The UCSB Edison STEM Research Scholarship aids talented undergraduate students to present already conducted research at a conference or participate in research under the direction of a UCSB faculty mentor/research affiliate in one of the following fields: Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Science, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Studies, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, or Statistics.

Within the application, students will need to specify if they are applying for a scholarship to present (already conducted) research at a conference or if they are seeking support to conduct research during the summer.


The two available scholarships are the following:

●       Summer Research Scholarship ($5,000)

●       In-State or Out-of-State Research Presentation Scholarship ($500-$2,000)



  1. Pursuing a B.S. degree at UCSB in Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Science, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Studies, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, or Statistics.

  2. Be a low-income, first-generation college student, a veteran, and/or a student underrepresented in Edison-specified fields (see previous requirement).

  3. Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above.

  4. Be enrolled in the UCSB MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement) University Program (MUP). If you are not currently enrolled, enroll today at https://mesa.my.site.com/s/profile-update

  5. Attend professional development sessions and present your research.

  6. Your UCSB faculty member, post-doc, or UCSB-affiliated researcher whom you are conducting research with will need to provide a letter of recommendation through a Google Form shared by the program coordinator


Application Deadlines:

●       Summer Research Scholarship: Monday, June 10th, 2024 at 11:59 PM

●       In-State and Out-of-State Research Presentation Scholarship: Friday, August 2nd, 2024 at 11:59 PM


To apply, please visit our website using the link below.



For questions about the application, feel free to reach out to P20 Coordinator, Melani Castellanos at melanicastellanos@ucsb.edu or visit our main office at South Hall 1501.

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