2024-06-10: Call for Proposals - Mental Health Mini-Grants (On Behalf of UCSB Mental Health Task Force)
June 10, 2024
To: UC Santa Barbara Faculty, Staff, and Students
Fr: UCSB Mental Health Task Force
Re: Call for Proposals - Mental Health Mini-Grants
Dear UCSB Community,
The UCSB Mental Health Task Force is again accepting mini-grant proposals to support student mental health and well-being. The Equity in Mental Health (EMH) funds were made available to all UC campuses from the State of California to address student mental health needs using a holistic mental health & well-being framework with healthy equity as an essential funding priority.
EMH Mini Grant Funds are for Universal Prevention Strategies (Tier III) and Early Intervention and Collaborative Well-being Programs (Tier II). Typical award amounts are $5,000 or less, but we will consider larger projects if the project can be completed within the fiscal year and enough funds are available.
The EMH letter from the University Office of the President provides further details on the intent and use of these funds as well as a description of Tier Ii and Tier III type strategies and approaches. Link to Equity in Mental Health Funding Plan Letter.
Funding restrictions apply:
These funds cannot be used to pay for incentives.
We invite campus partners to submit proposals by 9:00am, Friday, July 19th. This call for proposals is intended to support training and programming that will occur during the 2024-2025 academic year. Submit your proposal here.
We are particularly interested in receiving proposals for projects focused on the following:
Support wellbeing and mental health for underserved student populations
Creating a sense of community and belonging
Decrease barriers to mental health services or resources
Early intervention and outreach for student mental health and wellbeing
Invited speakers, discussion forums, training and workshops (in person and digital) that promote open dialogue about mental health & well-being designed to increase knowledge and awareness and decrease stigma about mental health.
Resilience programs, social emotional learning and living-learning needs
Built environment strategies (mindfulness space, walking trails, gardens, etc.)
Training to build staff/faculty capacity to support student wellbeing and mental health
Documents Required for Submission:
Project Overview and Description (up to 500 words)
Describe your idea or project and how it contributes to a campus environment that promotes a culture of health & well-being.
Describe whether your project more closely aligns with training or programming, and the populations served.
Describe the impact on students and our campus environment or culture.
Please state whether this is a new or existing project.
Project Budget (
Please briefly outline project supplies, speaker/trainer fees, and any other direct costs.
Please note that all proposals must be supported by a campus department which is willing to process the funding for the proposal (i.e. purchase/pay for the services and be refunded for those costs).
Please reach out to us if you have questions about whether your project fits these parameters or about the proposal process, we’re happy to assist you. You can reach the EMH Mini-Grant Team at EMH-Fund@sa.ucsb.edu.
Sharleen O’Brien, Associate Dean & Director of Health & Wellness, EMH Chief Wellbeing Officer
Meagan Cunningham, Director of Budget and Administration, Wellness Cluster
Emily Boone, Financial Analyst, Wellness Cluster