2024-06-10: Assorted notices on road closures for commencement and move out

2024-06-10: Assorted notices on road closures for commencement and move out

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June 10, 2024

TO: Campus Community

FR: Chris Zbinden, Assistant Director,  Events & Parking Enforcement

RE: Impact to Campus Traffic and Parking -- UCSB Move-Out




Transportation & Parking Services would like to update you regarding campus impacts relating to residential move-out this upcoming week. Traffic and parking in certain areas will be impacted this week, especially on the east side of campus near the Channel Islands Residence Halls. One-hour “Move Out” permits are available in Lots 4, 5, 6, and 9 for students and parents wishing to access the areas closer to the residence halls.

For students moving out of the Manzanita and San Rafael halls, a “Move Out” permit is also available in Lot 23, as well as the ParkMobile stalls along Ocean Road. Lot 23 will be available for limited move-out on Friday, June 14 but closed the 15 and 16 to accommodate Commencement.

Our goal is to provide a safe and effective move-out for our UCSB students. We recommend that staff and faculty members work remotely if possible, carpool, or park at alternate locations including Mesa Structure, Parking Lot 16, and Parking Structure 22 to avoid traffic delays.


Important Roadway and Traffic Information:

  • Parking Lot 4 & 9 will be reserved to accommodate undergraduate “move out” from Wednesday, June 12 through Friday, June 14.

  • El Colegio Road near Storke Road will be heavily impacted due to a lane closure on El Colegio Road allowing curbside loading from Santa Catalina Residence Hall and San Joaquin Villages from Wednesday, June 12 through Saturday, June 16.

  • The bike path north of San Joaquin will also be closed during this time.


Transportation & Parking Services along with our Housing, Dining, and Auxiliary Enterprises partners thank you for your patience and understanding.


Chris Zbinden

Assistant Director, Event & Parking Enforcement

(805) 893-7672

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June 10, 2024

TO: Campus Community

FR: Chris Zbinden, Assistant Director,  Events & Parking Enforcement

RE: Impact to Campus Traffic and Parking -- Commencement 2024




Transportation & Parking Services would like to inform you about the campus impacts related to Commencement ceremonies and celebrations. Traffic and parking will be heavily impacted from Friday, June 14 through Sunday, June 16. Transportation & Parking Services staff members, as well as the UC Police Department, will be on-site to direct traffic. Please obey all traffic signs and directions from these officials.

To accommodate the large volume of vehicles attending multiple ceremonies and celebrations, a detailed traffic plan has been established for the safest and most orderly ingress and egress from the campus.

During periods of time each day, parking lots will be closed or reserved while ceremony traffic is directed to the appropriate lots. Thousands of vehicles will be traversing the campus so heavy traffic delays are expected.

Staff members participating and volunteering in the ceremonies have been requested to park in lots 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, & 9.


Below are the primary areas for the corresponding ceremonies:


1 p.m. Graduate Division: 22 parking structure & lot 23. Overflow parking in lots 30 & parking structure 50.



9 a.m. Math, Life and Physical Sciences I: 22 parking structure, lot 23& 27. Overflow parking in lots 30 & parking structure 50.

1 p.m. Math, Life and Physical Sciences II: 10 parking structure, 18 parking structure, lots 12, 14, 16.

3 p.m. College of Engineering: 22 parking structure, lots 23 & 27.

4 p.m. CLG Celebration@ Harder Stadium: 38 Parking, 30 parking, 50 parking structure. Overflow parking in 18 parking structure.



9 a.m. Social Sciences I: 22 parking structure, lot 23 & 27. Overflow parking in lots 30 & parking structure 50.

1 p.m. Social Sciences II: 10 parking structure, 18 parking structure, lots 12, 14,16.

3 p.m. Humanities & Fine Arts: 22 parking structure, lot 23 & 27. Overflow parking in lots 30 & parking structure 50.


All vehicular traffic will be routed in accordance with the Commencement traffic plan. Please plan accordingly if your department is holding an event on either June 15 or 16 as other lots may not be open for parking. TPS also recommends that staff and faculty not participating in Commencement should avoid campus if possible.

Transportation & Parking Services, along with our campus partners, thank you for your patience and understanding.


Chris Zbinden

Assistant Director, Events & Parking Enforcement

(805) 893-7672


Visit the Commencement Website for More Info!


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