2024-07-01: Dilling Yang Staff Scholarship Program 2024-2025: Melinda Crawford, Director of Talent Acquisition and Training & Development

2024-07-01: Dilling Yang Staff Scholarship Program 2024-2025: Melinda Crawford, Director of Talent Acquisition and Training & Development


July 1, 2024

TO:     Campus Community

FR:     Melinda Crawford, Director of Talent Acquisition and Training & Development, Human Resource

RE:     Dilling Yang Staff Scholarship Program 2024-2025

 Human Resources is pleased to announce the 2024-2025 Dilling Yang Scholarship Program. With the continued support of Chancellor Yang and Dilling Yang, the scholarship program, established in 2003, provides financial assistance to eligible career staff for education, training, and other professional development opportunities available at the UC Santa Barbara campus. Effective July 1, 2024 the program eligibility guidelines for 2024-2025 have been expanded to include non-probationary career employees earning up to the full-time equivalent of $7,083.33/month ($85,000/year). Additionally, scholarship requests have been expanded to include requests up to a total of $750 per person per year. We would like to express our gratitude to the Chancellor and Dilling for their continued support of staff learning and development. 

For additional information or if you have any questions: please submit a HR Service Now ticket to Training & Development.

For information regarding HR Training & Development courses and other training and professional development opportunities at UC Santa Barbara, please visit the UCSB Learning Center.

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