2024-10-01: Kicking Off UC Cybersecurity Awareness Month (UCCAM) (On Behalf of Jackson Muhirwe, CISSP, Ph.D., Chief Information Security Officer)
October 1, 2024
TO: UC Santa Barbara Campus Community
FR: Jackson Muhirwe, CISSP, Ph.D., Chief Information Security Officer
RE: Kicking Off UC Cybersecurity Awareness Month (UCCAM)
This October marks UCSB’s eighth year participating in UC Cybersecurity Awareness Month (UCCAM), a part of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. UCCAM aims to promote awareness about cybersecurity by educating faculty, staff, students, and other members of our community about ways to protect themselves and the campus.
This year, the UC Systemwide Cyber Champions Team has scheduled almost a dozen remote events throughout October to help educate the UC community on important cybersecurity topics. Highlights include:
How to use artificial intelligence (AI) technology securely
Understanding advanced AI cyber attacks
Insightful industry discussions
Analysis on the security of AI
We encourage everyone to participate in Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Visit our campus UCCAM events page for registration information and details on virtual events hosted by UCSB this month. Please help us spread the word by sharing this message with others in your organizations! For additional presentations hosted by UCOP, visit the Systemwide Cyber Champions page.
Earlier this year, UC President Michael Drake issued a mandate to all UC campuses outlining key cybersecurity requirements that must be met by May 2025. A top priority is ensuring 100% of campus employees complete their annual cybersecurity awareness training. It's crucial that all UCSB employees stay up-to-date with this mandatory training. Visit the UCSB Learning Center to check your status and complete this required training.
Each of us plays a critical role in protecting our data, PCs, and mobile devices. No single person, university, or business can secure the Internet; each one of us has a part to play. Securing our mobile devices, computers, networks, and private information requires a collective effort. You can make the Internet safer and more secure for everyone by using more robust cybersecurity practices!