2024-09-27: On-campus Fall Vaccine Clinic open to all students, staff, faculty, and family members every Friday in October (On Behalf of UC Santa Barbara Department of Recreation, UC Santa Barbara Student Health Service and UC Santa Barbara Wellbeing)****
September 27, 2024
To: Campus Community
Fr: UC Santa Barbara Department of Recreation
UC Santa Barbara Student Health Service
UC Santa Barbara Wellbeing
Re: On-campus Fall Vaccine Clinic open to all students, staff, faculty, and
family members every Friday in October
The departments of Recreation, Student Health Service, and Wellbeing are partnering with Albertsons/Vons/Pavilions Pharmacy to host a Fall Vaccine Clinic at the UCSB Recreation Center every Friday in October.
Students with UCSHIP insurance should continue to schedule vaccine appointments through Student Health Service.
For other UCSB community members and their families, including students with GAP and those who have waived UCSHIP, the Vaccine Clinic will be open from 10 am - 6 pm on October 4, 11, 18, and 25 either by walk-in or by making an appointment http://bit.ly/fallvaccineclinic .
ID and health insurance cards are required for participation.
Vaccines offered:
· COVID-19
· Flu
· Meningococcal B - MMR
· Meningococcal (ACWY & 135)
· Hepatitis B (2-dose series)
· Tetanus
· Whooping Cough
· Pneumococcal
· Shingles
· Varicella
For questions, please email: sa-fall24vaccineclinic@ucsb.edu