Phone - UCSB Telephony - VOIP Zoom Phones

Phone - UCSB Telephony - VOIP Zoom Phones

An effort aiming to transform UCSB telephony capabilities by replacing the current legacy phone system with Zoom Phone, a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system.

This is a campus level service, all support is “best effort”

ECI is posting information here because we were asked about said information, not because we are in charge of said service. ECI does not have any special information and has the same level of access as most professors/staff.

When did this become effective?

  • January 27, 2023- Group #2 - CHNE, ENMT, SSLEEC

  • February 24, 2023 - Group 3 - TMP, COMS

  • Friday, July 28 - Group 4 - MECE - delayed due to issues with contractor to July 28th

  • Friday, August 25 - Group 5 - Deans, IEE, anyone note listed above

Why things are changing?

  • Multiple systems originally installed in the 90’s have reached end of life and are no longer

  • Expensive to maintain, requires specialized knowledge to troubleshoot

  • Limited remote access

  • No standardization on campus

What is not changing?

  • Blue Light ePhones

  • Alarm Lines

  • Elevator Phones

  • Fax Lines

  • Lab Phones

  • Anything deemed “life safety”

Emergency Services

  • Dial 911. No More 9-911.

    • Cellular 911 calls will rely on the user’s
      wireless carrier

  • User responsible for updating Emergency

    • Changing work location requires updating
      location information

  • Desk phones: location sent by Zoom

Zoom VOIP and International Calls

  • International Zoom meetings are enabled by default except where banned by law.

  • International Zoom telephone calls are not enabled by default due to the above and costs.

  • To request International Zoom telephone calls in additional to zoom meetings, please contact Communications Services by submitting a ServiceNow ticket at http://ithelp.ucsb.edu

Training Materials (Direct Links to ITS documentation)


This is a campus level service, all support is “best effort”

  • For immediate questions, please contact Communications Services by submitting a ServiceNow ticket at http://ithelp.ucsb.edu

Unofficial Checklist now that Telephony is live

  1. Go to The UCSB Identity Manager https://im.ucsb.edu/ and make sure your primary email is of the form UCSBnetID@ucsb.edu. While departmental aliases such as CoE emails point to the same Connect account, zoom sometimes does not recognize the aliases as aliases and instead treats them as different accounts. You do not want to be locked out of your zoom because it is only allowing in your alias when SSO requires UCSBnetID@ucsb.edu. This needs to be done as soon as possible since extension allocation can be done a full month before the actual migration.

  2. Go to the UCSB zoom page https://www.it.ucsb.edu/zoom and make sure your primary email there is also listed as UCSBnetID@ucsb.edu. Please also set your time zone to pacific time.

  3. Make sure you have the full zoom client installed on your computer and delete any other copy you might have. Zoom has an annoying habit of downloading copies to your browser cache if you open a zoom link and don’t click “open app”. The browser version is not a full version and can interfere with telephony. If you have a Jamf managed computer, congrats this step is already done.

  4. Follow the instructions for Emergency Address Setup above for your OS, either Mac or PC. If you have a Jamf managed computer, the location services package should already be installed. Please note the emergency location is TWO lines and you need both.

  5. If you are not using a physical phone, the zoom app needs to be open, with a usable camera and mic, to use all features. Zoom might also need permission for “accessibility” and “screen recording” under system preferences >> security & privacy if you are using a Mac device. Camera and Microphone recommendations are listed in this Knowledge Base

Additional Unofficial Checklist for Physical Telephony Phones

  1. For those getting additional physical phones, be sure to contact your local IT organization before ordering your phones.

  2. Telephony phones cannot be used in many labs and other areas deemed “LIFE SAFETY” as they require both power and internet to run. Copper land line phones do not need internet and can be powered through their copper lines in case of an emergency.

  3. Phones need to be connected to an active Ethernet port. Not all ports are active and it can take comm services up to a month to activate ports if the port you want to use is not wired up.

  4. Phones need to be registered via their hardware MAC address to get an IP address. That should be on the outside of the box the phones come in. Please see Requesting a Network Connection

  5. Phones come disassembled, ECI is NOT responsible for assembling your phone. Please follow the assembly instructions. Ethernet, Phone, and Headset ports are different ports.

  6. If your time is not correct, you will not get dial tone. Set your timezone by going to the home button (House Icon)

    1. Select Settings > Basic > Preferences > Time & Date.

    2. Select from Clock Date, Clock Time, Clock Order, Timezone or Enable/Disable.

    3. Scroll through the options under each of these selections using the Up and Down arrow keys.

    4. If you did not set your timezone via zoom, it will default to Greenwich Mean time and your phone will not work. Click Pacific Standard Time (number key 5 if you are using most models)

    5. Press the home menu again

    6. go to Settings >> Basic >> update configuration, to apply the changes above.