Can I remotely access the CSIL/Honea Windows Computers?

Can I remotely access the CSIL/Honea Windows Computers?


You want to access the Windows computers in the CSIL/Auhll/E2 Lab remotely.


Due to the nature of Windows Remote Desktop Connection, we cannot allow Remote Access to the physical Windows computers in the CSIL/Auhll/E2 Labs.

The Windows Operating System running in the labs will only allow one user on the computer at any given time.

This means that if a person is on the computer, the remote user would not be able to log on or the remote user can be kicked off by the local user when they log onto the computer.

For that reason, we cannot give remote access to the physical Windows computers.


You can however connect to any of Windows, Fedora or Centos virtual machines via Remote Desktop and said VMs have the same software as the physical machines.

Please see the following for more information: Can I remote log in (to CSIL/Linux) from home?

NOTE: for Network Security reasons, Remote Desktop Connection is blocked for off campus users by the Office of Information Technology.

The only exception to the above is for users of the campus Pulse Secure VPN.

if you want Remote Desktop to work from off campus, you need to use the VPN. See: VPN FAQ

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