GMail Search Function

GMail Search Function

UCSB Connect (aka Google Gmail) has a handy Search Feature that is at the top to help you search your email for certain things.

One way to search is just to type what you want to search in the bar at the top.

Another way is to make use of the little arrow pointing down that is next to the magnifying glass icon on the search bar.

This will show a search window that you can put in some specifics to help you do a search.

In both cases, the search function has some search operators that can help refine the search, especially if you are creating filters within gmail.

Here are a couple of links on GMail's Search Operators so you can craft specific searches with Google's GMail:

Search operators you can use with Gmail

Hongkiat's Gmail Advanced Search - Ultimate Guide

 The second link has several examples to get a better idea of how some of the search operators work.