

FileMaker is a cross-platform relational database application from FileMaker Inc., a subsidiary of Apple Inc. It is also sold as Claris

It integrates a database engine with a graphical user interface (GUI) and security features, allowing users to modify the database by dragging new elements into layouts, screens, or forms. Current versions are: FileMaker Pro Advanced 19, and FileMaker Server 19. Minimum OS is Windows 10 or newer and Mac OSx 10.15.7 or newer as of the Spring 2022. Starting Fall 2022 Minimum OS will increase to Windows 10 or Mac OSx 11.6.5 or newer. No Linux versions are available as of 2022.

ECI maintains a Filemaker Sever instance to host databases for several departments within the College of Engineering. If you would like to inquire about Filemaker Database Hosting, please contact help@engineering.ucsb.edu

Due to changes in the Filemaker contract and security model we are currently only hosting databases for departments directly supported by ECI. All other departments please contact your local IT administrator

Please note the following:

  1. This is paid software, there is no UCSB site license. All departments pay for their own Filemaker Clients. ECI only pays for the College Filemaker Server and support/backups for said server.
  2. Filemaker has a switched to an constant update model, this means that new versions are released every year and that security updates are only available for the newest 3 versions.
  3. Departments wanting to use the ECI Filemaker Server must have a supported version of the Filemaker Pro Client. FM19 or newer as of Spring 2022
  4. Departments wanting to use the ECI Filemaker Server must have a valid maintenance contract with Filemaker on volume licenses so as to receive yearly updates to newer versions. Said contacts are only available as of Summer 2020 for 5 or more clients. All prior contracts with fewer clients will be upped to 5 clients during their next renewal or be terminated by Filemaker. 
  5. Departments wanting to use the ECI Filemaker Server or receive desktop support for local versions must abide by all UCOP security guidelines such as minimum password strength on all databases.

ECI reserves the right not to support and remove from the network any unsecure filemaker instance as per UC security regulations on Filemaker and the HeartBleed vulnerability.

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