Account Process

Account Process


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This is a rough guide of the Account Process for Students, Staff, Faculty and Guests

For Students

For students to get an account, they must fall under this criteria:

  • Be actually enrolled in a College of Engineering Course
    • Computer Science
    • Computer Engineering
    • Electrical Computer Engineering
    • Chemical Engineering
    • Materials
    • Mechanical Engineering
  • Have a Valid UCSBNetID

If you are crashing the course, you are not considered 'enrolled' in the course.

Extension Students are also not considered 'enrolled' until they are officially accepted by the instructor.

International and Education Abroad Program Students who have registered with Extension 2 weeks prior to the quarter start, should be able to create the account using the link below.

If you fall under the above situation, you can create an account at:


Please note, our system relies on the GOLD system to confirm this and will take at least 1 business day to update from the GOLD system.

Please give our system at least a couple of business days.

Graduate Students

If you are a Graduate Student, you will fall under the same conditions as a student listed above.

If you are not enrolled in a College of Engineering Course, but supporting a College of Engineering Professor as a TA or as part of that Professor's Research Group, your Primary Investigator or their Department will need to create an Account Invitation for you at https://accounts.engr.ucsb.edu/invites.

Students Crashing a course

Students crashing a College of Engineering course are required to be at the first Lab Section they can attend in order to work with a College of Engineering Representative in order to get set up with an account.

Some professors will state how they will handle the enrollment, and if they state that they have a waitlist, we will not be able to provide an account unless you are actually on the waitlist.

Extension Students

Extension students wishing to take a College of Engineering course are required to be at the first Lab Section they can attend in order to work with a College of Engineering Representative at the lab in order to get set up with an account.

Barring that, a Proof of Enrollment needs to be provided when requesting an account.

Proof of Enrollment would be an Invoice from Extension.

Please submit the following information to expedite the process:

  • Proof of Enrollment (Extension Invoice showing which class and date of enrollment)
  • Your UCSBNetID Username
  • Extension ID

Send this to help@engineering.ucsb.edu.

If you are an International Student or Education Abroad Program Student that has registered with Extension two weeks prior to the quarter start, you should be able to create your account at https://accounts.engr.ucsb.edu/create.

For Staff/Faculty


For incoming Staff/Faculty that have a UCSBNetID, the MSO can invite the user using the following link:


Fill out the form, please be sure for the Email field, to use the invitee's personal or preferred contact email.   This is to ensure they get the Account Invitation Email.

Fill out the UCSBnetID field with their UCSBNetID for the UCSB Connect Mail, this will allow for them to have either a UCSB Connect Mail Account or link the department's affiliation to their UCSB Connect Mail Account.

Without UCSBNetID

Before an invite can be sent, the incoming person will need to be set up with a UCSBNetID.

When asked for the On Campus email address, they can refer to their UCSBNetID@ucsb.edu as their on campus email address.

Once the UCSBNetID has been created, the department MSO can invite the user using the following link:


Fill out the form, please be sure for the Email field, to use the invitee's personal or preferred contact email.   This is to ensure they get the Account Invitation Email.

Fill out the UCSBnetID field with their UCSBNetID for the UCSB Connect Mail, this will allow for them to have either a UCSB Connect Mail Account or link the department's affiliation to their UCSB Connect Mail Account.

For Guests/Researchers/Lecturers

If the Guest/Researcher/Lecturer is to have a departmental email address, they will need to be set up with a UCSBNetID first.

When asked for the On Campus email address, they can refer to their UCSBNetID@ucsb.edu as their on campus email address.

Once the UCSBNetID has been created

The department MSO can invite the user using the following link:


Fill out the form, please be sure for the Email field, to use the invitee's personal or preferred contact email.   This is to ensure they get the Account Invitation Email.

Fill out the UCSBnetID field with their UCSBNetID if the user should have a UCSB Connect Mail.

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