How do I reset my GitHub Password?

How do I reset my GitHub Password?


You need to reset your password on https://github.ucsb.edu.


Your UCSB GitHub account on https://github.ucsb.edu is tied to your UCSBnetID

If you need to reset your UCSBnetID password, please go to https://im.ucsb.edu/idm/manage and reset it there.

Please also note that you are creating/using a personal Github account and then linking it to the UCSB Github through single sign in (SSO)

If its the base personal Github account that you are unable to sign into, the the password reset link using your recovery email is: https://github.com/password_reset

It may take a few minutes for the password reset to complete.

github.ucsb.edu run by the College of Engineering for Engineering Students was replaced in 2020 with a different version of Github run by Enterprise Technology Services (ETS) and open to all UCSB students.  Please see https://github.com/ucsb/github-guide for support please contact ETS/ITS directly at https://www.it.ucsb.edu/help-support/it-services-catalog

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