Requesting a Network Connection

Requesting a Network Connection

This article is only for those who are part of the College of Engineering that are supported by ECI (help@engineering.ucsb.edu).

If your department is not supported by the College of Engineering, please contact your IT department.

For ECE, please refer to ECE Network Connection Request page.

For Wireless connections

Please refer to the following articles with regards to Wireless Connections


You want to get an IP address or Network Access for your computer.

What is needed...

We will need you to provide the following information so we can best set up the network connection.

  • Primary User of Computer
  • Email of Primary User
  • For a Lab group, please provide the name of the Lab and the Primary Investigator of the lab.
  • Location of where Computer is going to be (Building and Room #)
  • Send a picture of the Wall Plate the computer is going to be connected to. 

    The wallplate should have a number next to a designation similar to D1, D2, DATA1, or DATA2. Please indicate which port your system will be using.

  • The MAC Address of the computer (Refer to How do I get my MAC address? on how to find your MAC address for your computer)
  • The Operating System of the Computer

If it is a printer or a network device, we will need to know the above, as well as exact model number

Printers and other network devices without firewalls or similar security are not allowed on any campus network per campus policy. Many cheaper "bargain" printers are designed only to connect to a single computer via USB cable and hence do not come with any security. If you are looking to purchase hardware please see our recommendations section Printers

Please either submit a help ticket or email the above directly to help@engineering.ucsb.edu

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