When your College of Engineering account is was created, the a UCSB Connect Account is was also created as part of the service if you did not already have one.
UCSB Connect accounts, by default, will use <ucsbnetid>@ucsb.edu as the email address for their service.
Info |
title | Note with regards to other Email Clients |
Initially, you do not want to have the Email set as <ucsbnetid>@ucsb.edu, but the address it should be (IE: jdoe@cs.ucsb.edu) The rest should use your <ucsbnetid>@ucsb.edu for username and use your ucsbnetid password for the password as the authentication. |
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title | If an alias does not show up |
Sometimes for various reasons aliases do not show up as available under the connect settings - First, in the compose window in connect make sure the alias actually exists by typing it.
- If you are expecting @<department>.ucsb.edu but only @engineering.ucsb.edu or @ucsb.edu shows up, your alias does not exist.
- This may be deliberate as some departments restrict who can use alias for their department such a requiring permission from the head of the department or the Connect Departmental Admin (CDA)
- If an alias exists but does not show up for you, it could belong to someone else. Aliases owned by the same person usually have the same profile picture.
- CoE normally restricts you to UCSBnetID@<department>.ucsb.edu aliases to avoid overlap as UCSBnetIDs are not reissued until a person has been gone more than 13 months.
- Some departments do not restrict usernames to UCSBnetIDs, hence why some departments require permission to use an alias to avoid conflicts.
- If an alias exist and is owned by you, you may need to be patient. It can take up to 30 minutes between when you create a CoE account and when you can use it
- If you try to use a CoE account too soon, things may break, such as not properly assigning an alias.
- If you are still having issues please contact your department's CDA or email help at engineering.ucsb.edu
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