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Due to ongoing IT security education and training over the last few years, our vigilance as a community has increased tremendously.  This is, of course, a positive development.  One side-effect, however, is that the very same vigilance and wariness encouraged by that training can sometimes lead us to mistrust legitimate emails.

Phishing emails try (among other things) to trick us into clicking a link and visiting a malicious website.  They represent a very real threat.  However, sometimes we receive emails from legitimate sources (sometimes third parties contracted by the university) that urge us to click a legitimate link.


2.  Note that at the bottom of your screen/window, the actual destination encoded in the link will appear.  (the way this is displayed on mobile devices varies, but it will likely pop up a question asking if you really want to go to the specified site. . . allowing you to opt out of doing so).

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Evaluating a Link/Address in Detail
