To: Campus Community
From: Garry Mac Pherson, Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services
Subject: Reminder: Warm Up Weekend Campus Parking and Events
Friday, April 5 through Sunday, April 7, 2024
Campus officials have worked diligently to develop a parking plan to help ensure the safety of our campus community of students, faculty, staff, and others who are authorized to use campus facilities during the “Warm Up” weekend. Additional measures will be put in place to discourage unauthorized use of campus parking facilities to gain access to Isla Vista during the weekend.
Effective Friday, April 5 through Sunday, April 7, the campus will be closed to overnight visitor parking. Campus checkpoints will be set up beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 5, and will continue as needed throughout the weekend to provide safety and security to the campus. Unauthorized vehicles will be denied access without prior approval.
In order to park on campus overnight on the dates identified above, all vehicles must be registered with valid “Reserved”, ”A”, “B”, “C”,“H”, or an Annual “Night & Weekend” ePermit.
Short-term ePermit, including Daily, 15-Day Night & Weekend, and Visitor permits issued from the TPS Permit Portal, Permit Dispensers, and ParkMobile will expire at Midnight, Friday, April 5, and Saturday, April 6. These permits are not valid for overnight parking. Unauthorized vehicles parked overnight on campus are subject to a $300 citation and having the vehicle impounded at the owner’s expense. The enhanced parking restrictions will cease between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to allow for normal business on campus.
As in previous years, a number of our campus parking locations are subject to closure, and access will be limited to support enhanced safety and security measures.
In addition to parking lot closures, traffic in and around the campus will be impacted. Access to El Colegio Road and/or Isla Vista may be closed for safety reasons if deemed necessary by law enforcement. If roads are closed, proof of residency may be required to enter. Certain roads in Isla Vista may be barricaded and closed to vehicular traffic.
Departments with special parking needs during these dates should contact Chris Zbinden, TPS Guest Services/Enforcement Manager, via email at, as early in advance as possible. This will allow us to better plan the logistics of parking to meet your needs and help you avoid any difficulties with parking.
We will be making every effort to ensure the safety and security of our community on “Warm Up” weekend. This is a top priority for our campus.