Getting 'Access Denied' when trying to log onto CSIL/Linux with SSH.


When trying to ssh to or, with your username and password, you get disconnected with the following message:

Access Denied


Permission Denied


There are a few possible reasons you are getting this message...

  1. Entering the wrong Username
  2. Entering the wrong Password
  3. Username is not all in lowercase


Best way to verify your username or password is to try and logon to your account on our Accounts webpage at:

We have had, in some cases, found users who were able to log onto CSIL/Linux computers in the Harold Frank Hall Lab or in the Phelps 3525 lab or on the Accounts Webpage, but were still unable to log onto their account through ssh.

Please double check that your username is in all lowercase.  SSH username logins are generally lowercase.

If you are still having issues, please contact and schedule a meeting time to look into the issue with you.