Web: How to redirect a webpage via your CoE account.

This page mentions personal HTML websites. Post April 2019 personal HTML websites are no longer supported as most do not meet the minimum UC required security or accessibility guidelines. We are actively discouraging the creation of new ones. These instructions are only left in place so that old websites can be redirected to newer compliant websites. For Lab/Research websites see: Where can I get a Lab/Research Website? 


You wish to redirect people going to a certain page to another website.


In order to do this, you may wish to make use of this template on a web page on your account to redirect a user:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<Title>(Put title of page here)</title>
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" 
content="0;url=(Put website you wish to redirect to)"></HEAD>
 <p>You will be redirected to <a 
href="(Put Website here)">(Put name of website here)</a> site.

This will redirect the user to another webpage should they go to a particular webpage on your Engineering account.


Let's say du-mar wishes people going to http://engineering.ucsb.edu/~du-mar/flux-group to go to http://flux-group.org.

He can create in ~/public_html/flux-group a web page index.html with this:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<Title>Flux Group</title>
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" 
 <p>You will be redirected to <a 
href="http://flux-group.org">Flux Group</a> site.

This will now redirect anyone going to http://engineering.ucsb.edu/~du-mar/flux-group to the website http://flux-group.org.

You can also do this with other webpages like if du-mar wanted people going to http://engineering.ucsb.edu/~du-mar/top-picks.html to go to http://top10.org, du-mar just needs to make top-picks.html in ~/public_html/ with the same template as above.

Additional Notes

Redirects created in this manner will only last as long as the CoE account they were created in. If your CoE account is expired or deleted due to you no longer being part of the UCSB Community or because Alumni Forwarding has been enabled, the redirect will cease to function. Web Hosting is only offered to current members of the UCSB community.