Remote Access

Remote Access

Here are some articles directly related to Remote Access questions.

Departmental IT Contacts

Many departments have their own IT support personnel, if you belong to one of the following departments please contact your departmental IT first for help with issues. 

ECE:  help@ece.ucsb.edu

ME:  support@me.ucsb.edu

CHE:  george@engineering.ucsb.edu

ENMT: enmt-support@engineering.ucsb.edu

Otherwise please email: help@engineering.ucsb.edu

Working From HomeMarc MillerJun 07, 2024
How do I access my email from the web? (Or, how do I access my Engineering Account in Google?)Scott KAsaiDec 08, 2023
Warning Messages when Connecting to CSIL/LinuxMarc MillerDec 06, 2023
Why is my VPN (Virtual Private Network) not Working?Scott KAsaiMay 19, 2023
Can I remotely access the CSIL/Honea Windows Computers?Scott KAsaiNov 24, 2021
Can I remote log in (to CSIL/Linux) from home?Marc MillerAug 05, 2021
How to do X11 Forwarding on a MacScott KAsaiApr 13, 2021
Remotely Accessing MatlabMarc MillerSept 23, 2020
Remote Terminal Access from Windows: PuTTYScott KAsaiSept 23, 2020
What are the names of the CSIL machines?Marc MillerSept 23, 2020
SSH Access to CS Class accounts for Teaching AssistantsScott KAsaiApr 14, 2020
Setting up SSH KeysScott KAsaiFeb 28, 2019
How can I access my UNIX account from windows?Scott KAsaiSept 26, 2018
I can't start a Windows RDP session. Why?Scott KAsaiSept 25, 2018
Remote Terminal and graphical access from windows: PuTTY and XmingScott KAsaiMay 30, 2018
How can I transfer files stored on CSIL/Linux machine to my device?Scott KAsaiMay 08, 2018

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