Where can I get a Lab/Research Website?

Where can I get a Lab/Research Website?


You are a Faculty Member/Graduate Student who needs to have a Lab/Research Website set up.


You are a Faculty Member/Graduate Student who needs to have an account on an existing Lab/Research Website set up.

Please do not use static HTML pages for Lab/Research Websites, most do not meet the minimum UC required security or accessibility guidelines post April 2019.


At this time, ECI suggests that you arrange a meeting with the College of Engineering Marketing Department for a Department Sponsored Web Site.

The people you will need to contact is Andrew Masuda (head of CoE Marketing) and the CoE webmaster (webhelp AT engineering.ucsb.edu). Please schedule a time with them to work out the particulars and needs for the website.

All websites are Drupal based and hosted via UCSB's Pantheon Cloud Services

LSCG Webdesign https://webdesign.lscg.ucsb.edu/ and MSI's Ocean'O'graphics https://msi.ucsb.edu/facilities-services/ocean-o-graphics also can create websites and post them to UCSB's Pantheon Cloud Services instance.

The College of Engineering as of Spring 2022 now has a new full time webmaster, Claudia Vizena. Please allow extra time on website requests as she settles into her new job. LSCG and MSI do have faster turnaround times for website creation, but do charge for their services.