Zoom with Powerpoint Presentation and Presenter Video or Presenter Desktop
The default setting for PowerPoint presentations is full screen, this is normally not an issue, but sometimes when you zoom you want both the PowerPoint presentation to be visible and the presenter to also be visible. Sometimes you want the PowerPoint to be shared in full screen but still be able to see other things on your laptop when presenting. There are a couple ways to do this.
Special thanks to our IT counterparts over at the University of North Carolina, various Cal States (especially SB and San Marcos) and other UC Campuses and several UC authorized vendors. This article borrows and combines from a variety of sources.
First Extend the Displays so you can have Different Things on Different Monitors
If you mirror your display, you will see the same thing on both your laptop and projector.
On your Mac, choose Apple menu > System Settings, then click Displays in the sidebar. (You may need to scroll down.)
Note: If you are using a Mac laptop or iMac, you must have an external display or projector connected to your Mac to see these options. If you are using a device with no built-in display, such as a Mac mini or Mac Studio, you must have more than one display connected to see these options.
Once you have either an “Arrangement” tab or button to click on, make sure “Mirror Displays is unchecked, the white bar is your dock and primary display, the white bar can be dragged to different displays
Click the name of your display on the right, click the “Use as” pop-up menu, then choose an option.
To set up some displays for mirroring and others for an extended desktop, start by setting up all displays as an extended desktop. Then, press and hold the Option key, and drag one display icon onto another display icon to mirror those two displays. This only works if you have three or more displays with the laptop or podium computer counting as 1, the projector as 2 and a third display as 3.
Its possible to click and drag the displays to arrange them, for example so the projector that is physically on your left, is the left monitor. That way you can smoothly move things from one window to another in a way that makes sense to you. If the projector is on your physical left but is listed as your right display, you may end up having to move stuff right to have it end up in the opposite direction, which is confusing.
Right-click the [Start] button on the desktop taskbar and select [Settings].
Select [Display] in [Settings].
To use Extend Mode, click [Extend theses displays].
Select [Keep changes].
Like with the Mac above, its possible to click and drag to arrange the displays.
Second, Choose Either Presenter View or Windowed View or Custom View
Presenter View
If you are lucky and have a newer version of PowerPoint all you have to do is set the power point presentation to be in “Presenter View”
Click Share Screen from within the Zoom meeting.
Selected the Microsoft PowerPoint tile. The PowerPoint window on your computer should be displayed with the green line around it indicating that it is currently being shared in the Zoom Meeting.
Go to Slide Show tab and click From Beginning or From Current Slide. The presentation slide will display full screen.
Right-click on anywhere on the presentation slide and choose Show Presenter View. The presenter view for the presentation will display on your laptop screen and the full slide view will persist in the Zoom meeting room
Go to the Slide Show tab and click Presenter View. This will display the presentation in full screen presenter view on our computer and within the Zoom room.
In the Zoom Sharing control tool bar, click the New Share button. This will open the share options that are available. Basically replacing what you previously shared
Select the Microsoft PowerPoint tile that shows the full screen slide view and click Share. This will display the full screen slide view with in the Zoom meeting and the presenter view will remain on you laptop screen. There are other options under “Advanced”
Windowed View
By default, PowerPoint wants to fill up the whole screen with your presentation, so you can’t access any other apps, which is troublesome. To avoid this:
Open your presentation
Click on the Slide Show tab at the top.
Click on the Set Up Slide Show button. This opens a window with various slide show settings. The default presentation
mode is Presented by a speaker (full screen) – this is why PowerPoint is taking over your screen. Instead, change to Browsed by and individual (window). Now when you present, your presentation will be in a window. This means you can move
and resize it while you are sharing it via Zoom, making it much more convenient to
present, especially if you have only one monitor. When you save this document, this
setting will be saved too, so it will always present that way in the future. Of course,
this will also work for students, who can also benefit from this change in settings
for their presentations.Like with Presenter View, there are more options under “Advanced”
Get Zoom out of Full Screen (Custom View)
This problem occurs at the other end as well, where folks are viewing a presentation via Zoom. By default, when someone is screen sharing, Zoom takes over the entire screen, to maximize the resolution of what’s being displayed, but it can make it hard for participants to get to any other materials on their computer. Zoom allows folks viewing a screen share to get out of Full Screen mode. Share this with your students.
While you are in a meeting Pressing escape key gets you out of Full Screen mode.
Settings for all meetings >> Go to Zoom preferences menu
Go to the General tab at top and uncheck the box next do “Enter full screen automatically when viewing screen shared by others.”
If you are the presenter, not a participant, you may want to click the Advanced tab, select the Portion of Screen tile and click Share. A green rectangle will appear on the screen.
Use your mouse to adjust the location and size of this box on your screen so that it only captures the area on your screen displaying the current slide in your presentation or whatever else you wish to display.