Accessing the UCSB Wireless Network

Accessing the UCSB Wireless Network

There are 2 WiFi networks on campus available for use...

UCSB Wireless Network


UCSB Wireless Network

This WiFi network is best used for computers you don't own, but need on the WiFi network for internet access.  This will require you to have a valid UCSBNetID Username and Password or register via guest access.

  1. Join “UCSB Wireless Web” network
  2. Open up an Internet browser and go to any webpage (you will be redirected to a log-in page)
  3. Enter your UCSBNetID and password 
    1. Guests without a UCSBnetID must first register
    2. https://www.it.ucsb.edu/campus-wireless-services-now-available-ucsb-guests

From there, you should be able to browse the internet.


The UCSB Wireless Network will require you to re-log on if the connection is idle for more than 5 minutes.

The UCSB Wireless Network is not encrypted and not considered secure.


This is the preferred way to connect to the Campus Network with personal devices or computers without having to constantly log onto the WiFi.

For first time setup on new computers or devices, it is recommended that they set up the device through the wireless setup page at https://setup.wireless.ucsb.edu/help/eduroam in order to get properly setup with certificates/access for their device.

Eduroam is supported by multiple universities, if you already have Eduroam set up from a different UC, California State University, or most public universities in the US, Canada and Europe, it most likely will work at UCSB automatically.


The UCSB Secure Network runs of the same wireless access points as Eduroam but is restricted to UCSB Community members only. It is not considered a separate network.

The Eduroam Network is encrypted and considered secure.


The WiFi Network is, like all other UCSB Data Networks, for authorized use only and you must abide by all applicable policies and laws.

Network Restrictions

The wireless network blocks port 25 (SMTP), so email clients trying to use said port will not function.

Other services may also be blocked for security reasons that originate from the Wireless Network, so you may required to use the Campus VPN in order to access on campus services.


UCSBNetID Username/Password has changed

If your UCSBNetID Username or Password has changed, it is best to remove, delete or clear your WiFi settings for eduroam and re-set up your WiFi through https://setup.wireless.ucsb.edu/help/eduroam.

This is due to how the eduroam connectivity settings need to be properly updated with your new username or password.

Additional Support

ECI can only support the basic access portion of Wireless Access (making sure the device can get to the wireless).

Wireless Connectivity Issues or username/password issues can be answered at https://setup.wireless.ucsb.edu/help/faq-page

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