Where can I get training for ... ?

Where can I get training for ... ?

Human Resourcs: Training & Development


please direct all questions about this to https://www.hr.ucsb.edu/contacts this is a  campus level resource, the College of Engineering has no control over this.

Additional Resources For Students:

UCSB Extension: https://extension.ucsb.edu/

Lab Safety Training: http://www.ehs.ucsb.edu/training

Additional Resources For Employees (including Student Employees and TAs):

UCSB Learning Center: https://www.learningcenter.ucsb.edu/

UCSB Lynda.comhttps://www.it.ucsb.edu/technical-training/linkedin-learning-lyndacom

In addition to standard classes, with the recent three-year subscription renewal for UCSB, all active employees have free access to the full library of online instructional videos offered by Lynda.com, a LinkedIn company. Just log in at http://www.hr.ucsb.edu/training/lynda with your UCSBnetID and password to access 5,000+ tutorials covering the latest software, business, and creative skills as taught by recognized industry experts. 

For employees, Lynda.com provides an opportunity to learn anytime, anywhere, whether that’s with your work team or as a self-learning opportunity.  Your Lynda.com account provides you with 24/7 mobile, tablet, and offline access from anywhere.  Completed classes can automatically be added as skills to your LinkedIn profiles as well!

Recently, Lynda.com began working with Human Resources to map their many offerings to our UC Core Competencies, including the UC People Management Competencies for managers and supervisors.  In addition, a campus workgroup has been newly formed to partner with Human Resources and Lynda.com on developing and promoting user-friendly Lynda.com resources, such as playlists, that would be of value and interest to our campus community.

To get started, you are invited to watch the “How to Use Lynda.com” video.  More information on Lynda.com is also available at https://www.hr.ucsb.edu/training/lynda, with new plans to share updates and highlighted training monthly via Gaucho Voice, the staff edition newsletter; quarterly in the HR Training Schedule; and at least twice a year at Learn at Lunch.

Together, UCSB and Lynda.com are working to promote a culture of growth for all UCSB employees. 

Additional Resources For Everyone:

Introduction to Mac Computers: https://support.apple.com/explore/new-to-mac

Introduction to the Library and Research: https://www.library.ucsb.edu/instruction

UCSB food, nutrition and basic life skills*: https://foodbank.as.ucsb.edu/food-nutrition-and-basic-skills/