Remote Terminal Access from Windows: PuTTY

Remote Terminal Access from Windows: PuTTY

Most Terminal programs are available to connect to the CSIL computers, but for now, the free and readily available Terminal Program for Windows is called PuTTY.

You can get PuTTY at  https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/

You can also get it from https://www.ssh.com/ssh/putty/, which also provide links to tutorials on how to use PuTTY.

Once PuTTY is installed, you can start it up by looking for the following icon:

The first screen you will see is the PuTTY Configuration.

For the Host Name, you will want to put in csil.cs.ucsb.edu, making sure the Port is set to 22 and the Connection type has SSH radio button selected, as shown below:

Then click on Open button to make the connection.


Alternatively, you can also do linux.engr.ucsb.edu

You may see the following window:

If this is the first time connecting to the machine, go ahead and click Yes to continue.


If it has been a while (a quarter or more) since you have last logged onto the CSIL or Linux machines, there is a likely chance that we have rebuilt it since then and there will be a new key for you to trust.

The next screen you will get is the login screen that should look similar to this:

From here, you log in with your College of Engineering Account Username and Password.

Other remote access tools for Windows can be found under