Can I get software installed on the Instructional Computers?

Can I get software installed on the Instructional Computers?


You want to install software on the Instructional computers


This is slightly complicated answer, so we will break it down a little.


Students (Undergrad or Graduate) cannot install or request software to be installed on the Instructional Computers.

ECI is limited on what can and cannot be supported on the computers.

Professors can request software to be installed, under the following conditions...

Windows Software

Due to the nature of how we have our Windows infrastructure set up and having over 100 Windows computers covering 4 lab locations, we are limited on our ability to have the software available.

Software requests for Windows Computers for the lab must be made a month in advance of the quarter it is needed.

The reason for this is so we can have the software properly tested on the lab machines as well as to see if there is sufficient room available on the system.

Testing will also include having a Professor or TA available to make sure the software works as intended for the course before the quarter starts.

Any request made two weeks prior to the quarter or during the quarter in question cannot be reasonably done and will have to wait until the next quarter.

Linux Software

We ask that software requests be made from the Professor and have either a TA or Professor available to test it before it is put out on the Linux/CSIL/CSTL computers.

We do ask that this is requested at least a week before the need of said software.

Students requesting Linux Software

Any 'one off' requests for projects and what not will not be installed onto all systems.

Most software can be 'locally' installed to your account (See Install Python and Pip on Instructional Lab CentOS Linux Machines for an example), just be aware that if said software requires 'sudo' access or access to services that requires 'sudo' access will be denied.

Only software that is part of the class curriculum can be installed on all the machines and must be from the Professor's request.

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