How do I send files to CSIL from/to my laptop/desktop?

In order to send files to your CSIL account, you will need to use one of the following:

  • WinSCP (Windows)
  • Cyberduck (Windows/Mac)
  • scp (Linux/Mac Terminal)
  • Any client that supports either SFTP or SCP File transfers

You can get WinSCP at

You can get Cyberduck at

scp is a command line option available on the Mac via Terminal and should also be available to linux users by default.

Making a connection to CSIL is fairly straight forward using either WinSCP or Cyberduck, the caveat for Cyberduck is to use the SFTP option only.  Both programs should also be fairly easy to figure out how to send or get files with a little playing around

For the SCP command you will need to know how to format the command which is the following:

scp <file> <username><location to put it at>/<filename>

So for an example, you have a file you want to send to csil named to your project1 folder on your csil account, you would do it like this:


If you want to get files using SCP, you do the opposite...

scp <user><location of file>/<filename> <where you want to save it>

Following the same example as above, it would look like this:

scp .


The '.' often refers to 'where I am at' for the command line, so be mindful of where you execute the command in order to find it.

It is recommended for Mac users, when in terminal, to type:

cd ~/Desktop


cd ~/Documents

to make it easier to locate files you are sending or receiving via scp, as this will either put them on your Desktop or in the Documents Folder.