I tried to log onto the CSIL/Linux computer and was kicked out.


You tried to log onto the CSIL or Linux computer with the correct username and password, but after a few moments, it kicked you out back to the login screen.


There are two possible reasons that this happened...

  1. You are over your quota on your account.
  2. Your account's Home Directory is Missing.
  3. There is a corrupted information on your account that is causing an error.


The best way to determine the issue is to try and remote into csil.cs.ucsb.edu or linux.engr.ucsb.edu and see if it gives an error about your home directory.

If it does not give you an error, please check your quota while you are logged in by doing this:

[jdoe@csil ~]$ top10

If you see a * next to number under Your quota:, you should run clearcache to see about getting under quota.

Example of being overquota message
Your quota:
         Curr  / Soft
Space :  1486M / 6144M 
Files :  103k* / 100k

See How to use top10.

If all else fails...

If you have data on your home directory and can at least access it and wish to keep it, we highly recommend copying the data to your computer making use of one of the programs listed in How do I send files to CSIL from/to my laptop/desktop? to your laptop or home computer first.

Then contact help@engineering.ucsb.edu with the following:

Hi ECI Support,

I am unable to log onto the CSIL/Linux computers graphically, where it is kicking me back to the login screen.

Can you please redo my home directory for account <your CoE Account Name>?

I have saved my information and ready for it to be reset.

We will then re-do your home directory and you should then be able to log in once we contact you that it has been done.

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