How to use top10

How to use top10


This is a rough guide on how to use the top10 command on the CSIL and Linux computers.

The top10 command is a script that does the following:

  • Show the top 10 folders using space on your account at the directory level you are at.
  • Show the space used (In megabytes) at the current location you are at.
  • Your Quota at the moment:
    • Space Taken: <What it is at currently> / <Space you are allotted>
    • Files total: <Number of files you currently have> / <Number of files you are allowed to have>

Example of output

$ top10
Top 10 space using directories at this location
Size	Folder
14	.mozilla
14	.cache
5	Library
4	.local
1	.xsession-errors.old
1	.xsession-errors
1	.Xauthority
1	.Wolfram
1	.viminfo
1	Videos

Total disk usage for this location:
38	.

Your quota:
         Curr  / Soft
Space :  38464K / 6144M 
Files :  996 / 100k


Curr - Current Usage
Soft - Soft Limit - Exceeding this will prevent creating new files
K == Kilobytes or Thousands
M == Megabytes
* - You have exceeded your quota.

In this example, we see the user here is taking up 38 megabytes of space.

The top 10 folders are a couple of hidden folders, one of which is .cache, which often contains browser temporary files and what not.

If we go cd .cache and type top10, we would see the following:

$ cd .cache
$ top10
Top 10 space using directories at this location
Size	Folder
13	tracker
1	obexd
1	media-art
1	keyring-PVBIOY
1	keyring-FUZS0Y
1	keyring-FTSZ0Y
1	keyring-CQA30Y
1	keyring-CO11MY
1	keyring-7O52MY
1	imsettings

Total disk usage for this location:
14	.

Your quota:
         Curr  / Soft
Space :  38464K / 6144M 
Files :  996 / 100k


Curr - Current Usage
Soft - Soft Limit - Exceeding this will prevent creating new files
K == Kilobytes or Thousands
M == Megabytes
* - You have exceeded your quota.

This now shows the top 10 folders within .cache that is taking up the most space as well as how much space is taking up in this particular directory.

What does the legend mean?

The legend at the bottom is to help clarify a little about the Your quota output.

Data size is measured in Kilobytes, then Megabytes.

1 Kilobyte == 1024 Bytes

1 Megabyte == 1024 Kilobytes

Should you see a * next to the number on the left, this often means you have exceeded your quota (The number on the left is greater than the number on the right)

Rarely will the Files quota be exceed before the Space quota, but it does happen if a lot of small files are created, often times within the .cache folder or hidden files (Files with a '.' in front of the name).

How do I resolve a lot of the overquota issues?

This can often be resolved by running the command:


What if I can't do top10 or clearcache?

You can call up these commands this way:

Calling up top10 another way.
Calling up clearcache manually

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