How much disk space can I use?

How much disk space can I use?

Default Quota

Most users in the College are given 6 GB of disk space with their account. If you are a student you can request an increase with written (email) permission from your instructor. For projects related to a class, we can also create 'scratch' space. For more information please contact help@engineering.ucsb.edu.

Ideally, it is best to clean up your account, finding what is no longer necessary on your account.  Checking the Downloads, Desktop, or Documents folders for old data and removing them can free up space for projects, especially things dated 3 or more months old.

Checking Your Current Quota and Usage

To learn more about how to check your current usage information you can use the information provided in Why can't I login graphically? : Going over quota.

Other storage options

UCSB does provide other options to store data that are not limited by your COE quota. UCSB Connect (http://www.connect.ucsb.edu/) provides Google Drive and Collaborate provides Box (http://www.collaborate.ucsb.edu/services/box). Both of these options allow you to:

  • Archive old data to save space.
  • Keep files synced to the cloud from a laptops or mobile device.
  • Collaborate and share files with others in the UCSB community.

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