What is my College of Engineering Login?
You want to know what your College of Engineering (CoE) Login is.
If you have set up an account after August of 2017, your College of Engineering login will be your UCSBNetID (without the @ucsb.edu), however the Password may not be the same as your UCSBNetID Password.
You should verify your password by going to:
https://eci.ucsb.edu/account-creation-links then "maintain your account"
If you are unable to properly log in there, you can reset your password by using the reset it here link on that page and using your UCSBNetID and UCSBNetID Password to change the password.
If you are trying to access the Windows based computers in the Honea (HFH 1140), Auhll Student Center (E2 1401) or the E2 Lab (E2 3236), the password change can take up to 30 minutes to update for those computers to be accessible.
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