Account Extension

Account Extension

All accounts have expiration dates. Accounts cannot be extended 'indefinitely' or "to graduation"
Your College of Engineering (CoE), UCSBnetID, and Google Connect Email are three different account systems and have three different expiration dates.

If you are having issues with any of the below direct links, please go to https://eci.ucsb.edu/account-creation-links first then choose the appropriate link.

Extension and International Students taking Summer 2024 classes: Due to delays this year on paperwork processing ECI/CoE will not be informed of your class status until 2 weeks before the start of Summer quarter. Extension and International students may receive warning messages about their CoE account expiring in 30 days, 2 weeks, etc.. Please note that if you are already enrolled in Summer or Fall classes as of the end of 2nd pass for continuing students on June 21st, you should see no break in access and that your CoE account should automatically be extended before the start of Summer quarter on June 24th.

UCSBnetID, Connect, and CoE accounts are three separate account systems, CoE account changes will not affect your access to the international and extension student portals.

For those enrolling in CoE classes 3rd pass or later, please be advised expiration is not deletion. Your accounts will be reactivated and extended as soon as we receive updated files from the main campus. Please check your CoE account expiration date at https://accounts.engr.ucsb.edu/maintain/login before contacting us, especially if you are replying to week old emails as extension scripts will be run multiple times the first week of the quarter.

Account extensions are handled in the following manner:

For CoE Major Students

  1. Your account is based on your enrollment with UCSB (Either as an Undergrad or Graduate student),

  2. So long as you have an active UCSBNetID, your Engineering/CoE Account will remain active.

  3. Account extensions happen automatically based on UCSBnetID, ECI in general will not send you any "your account is about to expire" email, unless you are no longer enrolled at UCSB.

For Extension/EAP/non-Traditional/non-Major/Other-Students

  1. You CoE account is based on your enrollment in CoE classes and research units (Either as an Undergrad or Graduate student),

  2. If you are not enrolled in CoE courses, your CoE account will eventually expire.
  3. Expiration does not mean immediate deletion however, that takes several months, and expired accounts can be automatically reactivated and renewed as soon as the registrar's STAR database shows you as enrolled in a future quarter.
  4. You can check you CoE account status at https://accounts.engr.ucsb.edu/maintain/login
  5. If you do not see a set expiration date, but see a message about expiration being 30 days after UCSBnetID expiration, that means your account has been extended as far as possible at this time based on UCSBnetID expiration date. Please note that CoE accounts can be automatically extended as new enrollments and statuses are entered into the Registrar's STAR database.
  6. Be sure to register for classes early especially for Fall quarter, renewal of CoE accounts in not instantaneous, it is possible for your CoE account to expire over the Summer while being enrolled for Fall due to delays.  In such cases, your account will be renewed at the start of Fall quarter.
  7. Be sure to check account status before sending in an account tickets. It is possible for accounts to be extended automatically after an "account expiring soon" email has been sent, especially if several days or weeks have passed since the initial email.

For Staff, Researchers, Lecturers and Faculty

  1. You can check you CoE account status at https://accounts.engr.ucsb.edu/maintain/login
  2. If your account is expiring soon, please be sure to contact your MSO to request that your account be extended or include which department you are with, so we can verify the request.
  3. In general, your expiration date will be 30 days after your UCSBnetID expires.
  4. If you do not use your CoE account for more than 180 consecutive days, your account may begin to expire. This is a UC system wide policy and can be found at section 4.15 of https://security.ucop.edu/files/documents/policies/account-and-authentication-management-standard.pdf
  5. Your Connect email account is NOT the same as your CoE account.
    1. CoE accounts are used to access samba shares, software downloads, and Instructional lab computers.
    2. Signing into email counts as using your UCSBnetID NOT your CoE account.
    3. While you get an @engineering.ucsb.edu or @DEPT.ucsb.edu alias automatically when you create your CoE account, this is not the only method to get said aliases.
    4. Your CoE account can expire while leaving your primary @ucsb.edu alias and Connect email account alone.
    5. If you extend your UCSBnetID, please be sure to forward the confirmation email to help@engineering.ucsb.edu so your CoE account can also be extended.
    6. We are not informed of UCSBnetID extensions for non-students unless you choose to inform us either via form or email.

For Graduating Students

  1. Your Engineering account is based on your enrollment with UCSB, when your enrollment ends, your accounts at UCSB will start to expire.
  2. Not all accounts will expire at the same time as your CoE account:
    1. Some services such as the VPN and Library access have no delay and will expire at the same time as your UCSBnetID.
    2. You can check you CoE account status at https://accounts.engr.ucsb.edu/maintain/login default expiration is 30 days post UCSBnetID expiration.
    3. Umail expires normally 13 months after UCSBnetID expiration,however not all students have a umail account.
    4. Connect.ucsb.edu and its associated @ucsb.edu email alias will not expire until the last alias in said account expires. meaning it always expires after CoE and Umail expiration.
    5. It is possible to be in a situation where your Umail and Connect accounts are expiring AFTER DUO has already expired, be sure to set up Google 2SV. For more information see: 
      1. https://connect.ucsb.edu/training-support/connect-user-guides/google-workspace-email/enabling-googles-2-step-verification
      2. https://connect.ucsb.edu/accounts/connect-departmental-administrators/support-desk-guide-employees-and-students-leaving-ucsb
  3. Expiration does not mean immediate deletion however, that takes several months. You may request CoE Alumni Forwarding up to 30 days post CoE account expiration.
    1. Alumni forwarding is only set up on request. If you do not request it, it is not set up.
    2. As forwarding is done via UCSB Google Connect email servers, forwarding abides by all UCSB Google Connect terms, conditions and policies.

    3. Google reserves the right to cancel forwarding without compensation as per the above line.

    4. Google reserves the right to cancel forwarding if it is not used or used for commercial purposes.
    5. It is highly recommended that once you graduate, you start transitioning all non-UCSB accounts away from being tied to any UCSB email address.
  4. If you want a full email account and not just a forward post graduation:
    1. The alumni association offers email to its members. https://www.alumni.ucsb.edu/about/benefits/gauchomail
    2. Many companies such as google and yahoo also offer free email accounts.

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