2024-06-15: Congratulations CoE Graduates!

2024-06-15: Congratulations CoE Graduates!



Returning to Commencement Green & Guest Ticketing

The seven relocated Commencement ceremonies (the Graduate Division, all College of Letters & Science, and the College of Engineering ceremonies), scheduled for June 14–16, will be returned to the Commencement Green

. The times for each ceremony will remain the same. The Bren School and College of Creative Studies ceremonies will remain in their original venues and tickets will not be necessary.

Tickets will still be required for the ceremonies on Commencement Green. Each of the six tickets issued to our students will admit two guests per ticket for the specific ceremony, allowing for a total of 12 guests per student. Each pair of guests entering on a single ticket must arrive together for admission. Guests are subject to security screening. Graduates can claim their guest tickets on MarchingOrder. MarchingOrder access for undergraduates is via GOLD. The Graduate Division will communicate directly with graduate students regarding MarchingOrder access instructions.


UCSB College of Engineering (CoE) Faculty and Staff congratulate our graduates!


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